Pokemon XD

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Pokemon XD

     This page can change depending on what game is to come or a pokemon game that is out. My images down are protected by copyright laws

Dark Lugia Main character talking to someone

Snorlax using an attackDarkLugia(codename:XD001)

Dark Lugiamain characters

DarkLugia is about to landMain character and sister

     Pokemon XD is the brand new RPG pokemon game. It comes out in America on October 2005. There will be some new pokemon that you can snag in the game. down are the pokemon:
     As you all know some boss is runing a plot and that bos's pokemon are all shadow pokemon. You can challenge him at Nickledark Island. The bos's name is Cipher Boss Deathgold. So far I have up to all of the shadow pokemon. So far I have 85 shadow pokemon. happy snaging .
     Anyway.In Pokemon XD your opponent can have up to 2 sahdow pokemon or more.(No wonder there are 90 shadow Pokemon)The main character(you)will have Eevee as a starting pokemon.NOTE: THAT THE NEXT SENTENCE(s) MIGHT HAVE SPOILERS IN IT. Dark Lugia can probably not be able to be purified.Pokemon XD is longer than Pokemon Colosseum. Metang is only caught in Demo mode. and Pokemon xd pre-ordering form comes with a skin for your Nintendo Gamecube.
Thats all that I have
until then see ya

  Pokemon@1995-2005, Nintendo, Pokemon Company, Pokemon USA, Creatures, and GAMEFREAK. All content of Pikafaraway@ 2005.Animations are protected by Copyright laws. Including background. My site is rated G for everyone.  site owned by Fabian